Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Computer Science

Handbook of Theoretical and Computational Nanotechnology

     10-Volume Set
Edited by
Michael Rieth and Wolfram Schommers Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany
Foreword by
Professor Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, Nobel Prize Laureate
2006 ca.8,000 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 1-58883-042-X

"Nanoscience is fashionable. All administrations in the Western world have stressed their interest in nano-objects and nanotechnologies. …The aim of the present handbook is to help us with the tools by suitable modelizations. It is written by leading experts, starting from general theoretical principles and progressing to detailed recipes. …Soon after the first wave, including this handbook, a certain form of nano-industry may be born."
                                                                    Professor Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, Nobel Prize Laureate
The future applications of nanotechnology in high-tech industries require deep understanding of the theoretical and computational aspects of all kinds of materials and devices at a nanometer scale. Handbook of Theoretical and Computational Nanotechnology is the first single reference source ever published in field that offers such an unified approach covering all of the major topics dealing with theory, modeling, design and simulations of nanostructured materials and nanodevices, quantum computing, computational chemistry, physics and biology, nanomechanics, nanomachines, nanoelectronics, nanoprocesses, nanomagnetism, nano-optics, nanomedicines, nanobiotechnology, etc. This 10-volume (ca. 8,000 pages) handbook provides the first ideal introduction and an up-to-date survey of the fascinating new developments and interdisciplinary activities in the whole field presented by scientists working in different subject areas of science, engineering and medicine. This handbook is the most profound publication on this topic- the first treatment of the computational nanotechnology. This outstanding handbook presented by 265 world's leading scientists, is the most significant academic title ever published in this research field. This handbook has been divided into 10 thematic volumes by documenting computational treatment of nanomaterials and nanodevices.

CONTENTS (10-Volume Set, ca. 8,000 pages)
Atomic Design, Atomistic Modeling, Quantum Computers, ab Initio Methods, Atom Nano-optics, Computational Nanoelectronics, Computational Nanotechnology, Molecular Devices, Molecular Machines, Nanosurfaces, Bio-Molecular Motors, Molecular Motors, Molecular Dynamics, Meshfree Methods, Density Matrix Renormalization Method, Finite Element Method, Maxwell Solvers, Bionanotechnology, Embedded Atom Method, Tight-Binding Molecular Dynamics Method, Computational Modeling, Statistical Mechanical Modeling, Linear-Scaling Quantum Mechanical Methods, Equivalent-Continuum Modeling of Nanomaterials, Self-consistent P3M Simulation of Ion Channels, Multiscale Simulations of Nanomaterials and Nanodevices, Hierarchical Models of Nanomechanics and Micromechanics, Computational Nanomechanics of Materials, Nanotribology, Adhesion, Nanoindentation, Nanoscale Fracture Processes, Transport Phenomena, Proton and Electron Tranfer Processes, Flow Modeling in Fullerenes and Nanotubes, Atomistic Modeling of Nanoprous Materials, Nano-thermodyanamics, Quantum Chemistry, Computational Biology, Protein Folding, Computational Studies of DNA and RNA, Enzymes, Enzyme-Mimetics, Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions, Nanomagnetics, Medical Nanorobotics, Biological Nanotubes, Design of proteins, Nanomedicines, Drug Design and Delivery, Ligand Docking, Computational Models for Genetics and Neurogenetics, Neuro-Genetic Information Processing, Nonlinear Optical Properties of Carbon Nanostructures, Optical Properties of Nanoclusters and Semiconductor Nanostructures, Modeling of Photonic Crystals and Nanostructures, Quantum Optics, Theoertical Physics, Computational Micromagnetics, Magnetic Nanomaterials and Nanodevices, Self-Assemblies, Modeling of Polymer Nanocomposites, Carbon Nanotube Composites, Diamonds, Fullerenes and Endofullerenes, Carbon Nanocones, Doped Nanomaterials, Superconducting Nanostructures, Embedded Quantum Dots and Nanowires, Molecular Wires, Nanocrystals, Computer Simulation of Surfaces, Conjugated Organic Polymers, Monte Carlo Simulations, Nano-thermodynamics of Surfaces, Mechanical Properties of Polymer-Carbon Nanotube Composites, Single and Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes, Ferroelectric Nanostructures, Silicon-Based Nanodevices, Single-Electron Devices and Nanocircuits, Single-Electron Transistors, Quantum Dot Lasers, Modeling of Nanodevices, Modeling of MEMS and NEMS, Biomechanism, Nanomedicines, Computational Chemistry, Quantum chemistry, Molecular Design, Nanomedicines and Nanodrugs design, Computational methods and Simulation Techniques from ab initio to Multiscale, Algorithms, Nanoscale Analysis of Defects, diffusion, Cascades, and Irradiation, Nanomembranes, Nanocatalysis, Nanometals, Polymer Nanostructures, Liquid Crystals, Nanocolloids, Monolayer and Multilayers, Tthin Films, Nanoengineering and Nanodesign Nano-CAD, Luminescence, Computational Methods for Simulating Quantum Computers, Wigner Function Based Device Modeling, etc.

10-VOLUME SET ( ca. 8,000 pages)
Volume 1: Basic Concepts, Nanomachines and Bionanodevices
Volume 2: Atomistic Simulations - Algorithms and Methods
Volume 3: Quantum and Molecular Computing, and Quantum Simulations
Volume 4: Nanomechanics and Multiscale Modeling
Volume 5: Transport Phenomena and Nanoscale Processes
Volume 6: Bioinformatics, Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery
Volume 7: Magnetic Nanostructures and Nano-optics
Volume 8: Functional Nanomaterials, Nanoparticles and Polymer Nanostructures
Volume 9: Nanocomposites, Nano-Assemblies, and Nanosurfaces
Volume 10: Nanodevice Modeling and Nanoelectronics
  • The World's first handbook ever published in the field of theoretical and computational nanotechnology .
  • The first comprehensive reference dedicated to all disciplines of science, engineering. and medicine.
  • Most up-to-date reference source drawing on the past two decades of pioneering research.
  • About 140 Review chapters written by world leading scientists familiar with the current trends of nanotechnology.
  • 8,000 pages written by 265 authors from 30 countries, truly international.
  • 26,000 references, 4124 figures, 374 tables, and thousands of mathematical equations and formula.
  • Clearly written, self-contained, timely, authoritative, and most comprehensive contributions.
  • Extensive cross-refereeing in each chapter provides reader with a broader range of knowledge.
  • Multidisciplinary reference source for students, scientists, engineers, biologists, medical experts and related professionals.
This handbook is an invaluable reference source for scientists, engineers and biologists working in the field of theoretical and computational nanotechnology and for individual research groups, libraries in the universities and industrial institutions, government, independent institutes, R&D and defense research laboratories. The handbook is intended for a broad audience working in the fields of quantum chemistry, physics, biology, materials science, medicine, electrical and electronics engineering, mechanical engineering, optical science, ceramic and chemical engineering, device engineering, aerospace engineering, computer science and technology, information technology, bioinformatics, biotechnology, medical sciences, surface science, polymer science and engineering.

Dr. Michael Rieth is a Research Scientist at the Institute of Materials Research I(IMF-I) in the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany since 2002. He is Head of the consulting company AIFT, Karlsruhe since 1987. He worked as a Researcher at the Institute of Materials Research II (IMF-II), Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe from 1995-99 and at the Engineering Science Department of University of Patras (Greece) from 1999-2000. He was Product Manager at AMA-Systems, Pforzheim, Germany from 2000-01. He received his M.Sc. (germ. Dipl. Ing.) degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Karlsruhe in 1991 and his Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Patras (Greece) in 2001. Dr. Rieth published 23 research articles in refereed journals, two book chapters and four patents. He is the author of Nano-Engineering in Science and Technology (World Scientific, 2003), and was the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience (2004-2005). His main scientific interests are in atomistic modeling of metallic nanosystems and materials development for advanced fusion reactor applications.

Professor Dr. Wolfram Schommers is a Theoretical Physicist presently working at the Research Center of Karlruhe in Germany. He is also Professor of Theoretical Physics, Professor of Physics and Materials Sciences and Distinguished Professor in Europe, China and USA. He began his studies of Theoretical Physics at the Technical University of Munich, and continued his course-work at the University of Münster, receiving a Diploma in Physics. After a brief intermezzo in the industry, Prof. Schommers joined the Research Center of Karlsruhe. He received his Ph.D. (Dr. rer. nat.) in Theoretical Physics from the University of Karlsruhe. Prof. Schommers' scientific activities are concentrated on Computational and Theoretical Physics. His main fields of interest include Foundations of Physics, Liquids, Solids and Gases, Superionic Conductors, Surface Science, and Nanophysics as the basis for the investigation of properties nanometer-scale atomic devices, junctions, quantum dots and nanomachines. He has published the results of his research activities and thoughts in various scientific journals (214 articles and book chapters). In particular, Prof. Schommers is author and editor of the following books: Fundamentals of Nanometer Structuring; Structure and Dynamics of Surfaces I and II; Quantum Theory and Pictures of Reality; The Visible and the Invisible; Das Sichtbare und das Unsichtbare; Elemente des Lebens; What is Life?; Formen des Kosmos; Space and Time, Matter and Mind; Symbols, Pictures and Quantum Reality. Prof. Schommers is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience (www.aspbs.com/ctn). He is also an editorial board member of various scientific journals, and he is the Principal Editor-in-Charge of the book series Foundations of Natural Science and Technology. He is an invited member of the Humboldt Academy, an invited member of the Academic Board of the Humboldt Society, and an invited member of the Advisory Board of Medical Ethics of the 21th Century. 

Engineering The Grid:
Status and Perspective

Edited by
Beniamino Di Martino, Second University of Napoli, Italy
Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee, USA
Adolfy Hoisie, Los Alamos National Laboratory,USA
Laurence Tianruo Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
Hans Zima, California Institute of Technology, USA
January 2006, 600 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 1-58883-038-1
Price: USD 100.00/EURO 75.00

Grid computing pioneering days are over, grid technology has matured enough to enable the realization of workable and commercial infrastructures, platforms and tools, ready to be used in production environments ranging from scientific to commercial application domains. Technology research is nevertheless still undergoing a dramatic development, involving major advances in areas such as resource management, mapping, scheduling, fault tolerance, I/O, visualization, performance analysis, programming languages and environments, resource discovery and semantic aspects. This book aims at providing a comprehensive description of most recent research achievements in grid technology, in-depth witnesses of a number of production applications of grid technology to various application domains, and of some of the most important large scale projects, directly from the leading researchers and technology managers involved. This book is intended for researchers and graduate students in computer science and engineering, and for industry technology providers, with particular interests in parallel, distributed computing and grid technology, as well as for users of grid technology, in particular researchers and technical managers in basically all areas of science, engineering and economy, both from academia, research centers and industry. The book is composed of 10 sections, and 34 chapters. For guidance to readers, in the following we will describe each section and outline the main contributions of each chapter, so that reader can better plan their perusal of the material.

Section 1: From High Performance to Grid Computing
1. A Survey of Heterogeneous High Performance and Grid Computing/Jack Dongarra and Alexey Lastovetsky

Section 2: Grid Applications
2. Observations in Using Grid Technologies for Multi-Objective Optimization/A.J. Nebro, E. Alba, F. Luna
3. Air Quality Prediction in a Production Quality Grid Environment/Barbara Chapman, Priya Raghunath, Babu Sundaram, Yonghong Yan
4. Media Streaming Services based on Peer-to-Peer Networks/Hai Jin, Xiaofei Liao, Hao Chen, Dafu Deng
5. Astronomical Image Mosaicking on a Grid: Initial Experiences/D. S. Katz, N. Anagnostou, G. B. Berriman, E. Deelman, J. C. Good, J. C. Jacob, C. Kesselman, A. C. Laity, T. A. Prince, G. Singh, M. Su, R. Williams
6. Symbolic Computations on Grids/Tetsudo Ida, Marcin Paprzycki, Dana Petcu, Dorin Tepeneu
7. A Survey on Grid Architectures for Bioinformatics/Guillermo Perez Trabado

Section 3: Large Scale Projects
8. The EU GridLab Project: A Grid Application Toolkit and Testbed/Giovanni Aloisio, Massimo Cafaro, Italo Epicco, Jarek Nabrzyski
9. The EU DataGrid Project: Building and Operating a Large Scale Grid Infrastructure/Fabrizio Gagliardi, Bob Jones, Erwin Laure
10. ShanghaiGrid: Building City Grid Infrastructure and Providing Grid Services to the People/Minglu Li, Jian Cao, Linpeng Huang, Qianni Deng, Changjun Jiang, Weiqin Tong, Yadong Gui, Aoying Zhou, Xinhong Wu, Shui Jiang
11. Towards an e-Infrastructure for e-Research—Web Services Grids/Tony Hey, Anne Trefethen

Section 4: Programming Languages and Environments
12. Programming the GRID: An Imperative Language-based Approach/Rosa M. Badia, Raul Sirvent, Jesus Labarta, Josep M. Perez
13. User Friendly Environment to Grid Enabled Legacy Codes/P. Kacsuk, T. Kiss, T. Delaitre, A. Goyeneche, S. C. Winter, G. Terstyanszky, Z. Farkas, C. S. Nemeth, T. Boczko
14. Programming the Grid with Components: Models and Runtime Issues/Alexandre Denis, Sébastien Lacour, Christian Pérez, Thierry Priol, André Ribes

Section 5: Performance aspects
15. Performance Impact of the Grid Middleware/David Carrera, Jordi Guitart, Vicenç Beltran, Jordi Torres, Eduard Ayguadé
16. Performance Monitoring and Analysis for the Grid/Roland Wissmueller, Hamza Mehammed, Michael Gerndt, Arndt Bode
17. Achieving Predictable and Scalable Performance with BCS-MPI/Juan Fernandez, Fabrizio Petrini, Eitan Frachtenberg

Section 6: Grid I/O
18. Challenges for Parallel I/O in GRID Computing/Avery Ching, Kenin Coloma, Alok Choudhary
19. A New Approach for Overcoming the I/O Crisis in Grid Environments/María S. Pérez

Section 7: Resource Management, Mapping, Scheduling
20. G-JavaMPI: A Grid Middleware for Transparent MPI Task Migration/Lin Chen, Tianchi Ma, Cho-Li Wang, Francis C.M. Lau, Shanping Li
21. Optimal Resource Allocation in Grid Environments/Paolo Cremonesi
22. Timed/Advance Reservation Schemes and Scheduling Algorithms for QoS Resource Management in Grids/ Emmanouel Varvarigos, Nikolaos D. Doulamis, Anastasios D. Doulamis, Theodora Varvarigou
23. Mapping, Scheduling and Fault Tolerance in Grid Environments/Stephen Pellicer, Hui Liu, Yi Pan
24. Techniques for Migrating Computations on the Grid/Vipin Chaudary
25. Exploring Load Balancing Concepts, Techniques, Algorithms and Performance Evaluation/R. F. De Mello, L. J. Senger, L. C. Trevelin, M. S. Veludo De Paiva, L. T. Yang

Section 8: Grid Platforms
26. Implementation and Deployment of a JXTA-based Grid Computing Platform JXTPIA/Minyi Guo, Hui Wang, Yoshihiro Saitoh, Kenichi Sumitomo, Takato Izaiku
27. A Smart Logical Cluster Based Grid Computing Platform/Kwang-Won Koh, Kyung-Lang Park, Hwang-Jik Lee, Shin-Dug Kim
28. Mobile Agents Approach the Grid/R. Aversa, B. Di Martino, N. Mazzocca, S. Venticinque
29. A RISC Approach to Grid/Marco Danelutto, Marco Vanneschi
30. Jini and JXTA-Based Lightweight Grids/Kurt Vanmechelen, Jan Broeckhove, Gunther Stuer, Tom Dhaene

Section 9: Grid Visualization
31. Parallel Remote Visualization for the Grid/A. Clematis, D. D' Agostino
32. Interactivity and Visualization on the Grid—The GVK/glogin Approach/Dieter Kranzlmüller, Herbert Rosmanith, Paul Heinzlreiter, Martin Polak, Jens Volkert

Section 10: Information, Resource Discovery and Semantic Grid
33. Building the Semantic Grid/David De Roure, Carole Goble
34. Information Services for Large Scale Grids: A Case for a Grid Search Engine/M. Dikaiakos, R. Sakellariou, Y. Ioannidis

This book is intended for researchers and graduate students working in computer science and engineering, and for industry technology providers, having particular interests in parallel, distributed computing and grid technology as well as for users of grid technology. This book is also a valuable reference source in the field of grid engineering for computer scientists, students, researchers and technical managers working all areas of science, engineering and economy from academia, research centers and industries.

Intelligent Multimedia Computing Science
Business Interfaces, Wireless Computing, Databases, and Data Mining

Written by
Cyrus F. Nourani
University of California
2005 ca. 200 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 1-58883-037-3

Intelligent Multimedia Computing Science is an interdisciplinary field combining the arts, sciences, artificial intelligence, computer science, mathematics, and the humanities. The field presented is deeply rooted in AI, mathematical logic and models, modern communications, computer, and human sciences. Academic digital media studies are at times a partnership among Arts and Sciences, Computer Science, and Mathematics. The new fields encompass the Intelligent and cognitive aspects of media arts and sciences, exploring the technical, cognitive, and aesthetic bases to human multimedia intelligence and its computation, the applications to business intelligence, model discovery, data mines and intelligent data bases, and IT. The monograph is a technical and practical book to the popular audience, to the business minded professionals, and to all groups wanting to be on an intelligent bearing to the new field.

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Creative Multimedia Techniques
Chapter 3: AI and Intelligent Multimedia
Chapter 4: Basic Intelligent Multimedia Techniques
Chapter 5: Agent Computing and Intelligent Multimedia
Chapter 6: The Mathematical Foundations
Chapter 7: Intelligent Visual DB and DM
Chapter 8: The Applications to Business and E-Commerce
Chapter 9: Spatial Heterogeneous Visual Computing
Chapter 10: KR and Predictive IM Diagram Models
Chapter 11: Business Intelligence, Content Exploration, and Intelligent Interfaces
Chapter 12: Heterogeneous Computing, Agent-based Structures, and Implementations
Chapter 13: Abstract Planning, Models, and Virtual Trees
Chapter 14: Intelligent Cyberspace Interfaces and WAP Generic Computing
From basic multimedia computing, agent visual JAVA, to multiagent multimedia computing, EC interfaces, business models, contents, intelligent multimedia datamining, intelligent databases, game trees, virtual and spatial planning, business intelligent interfaces, WAP and cybersafe intelligent multimedia computing with VPN. The book starts with creative intelligent multimedia techniques and IM knowledge representation. Virtual reality and motion pictures applications are introduced with new agent computing techniques applications. Basic practical morph techniques are introduced with animation applications. Multimedia AI systems are presented with visual objects, agent OOP, agent JAVA, and the corresponding programming techniques. A high level Multimedia Language and computing paradigm is presented and applied with Agent OOP. Virtual Visual JAVA and Mobile Visual Object, AI and goal satisfaction with Agent Models and IM Bid Desire. Topics carry on with the practical areas and the mathematical basis, presenting the a comprehensive, gradual, academic and practical course, with ample examples and excercises,on the following areas: IntelligentInterfaces, Affective Computing and Multimedia Cognition knowledge-based Intelligent Interfaces,Multimedia DM, DM with Correlation Signatures, Virtual correlation, Learning and multimediacontent,Multimedia databases, Agent Linguistics Meta-Contextual Reasoning, Diagrammatic computing and Incomplete Knowledge, Multiagent Visual Planning, Intelligent Trees and Spatial KR, Virtual Trees and Planning with Models: Multiagent Visual Planning, Agent Planning and Virtual Trees, Morph Gentzen VR; Spatial Information and Morph Gentzen, The Morph Gentzen Logic, Basic Models,Completeness, and Morphisms, Morph Gentzen Virtual Computing, Computational Illusion and Virtual Reality, Cognitive Modelling, Generic Encoding and Epistemology, Cardinality and Concept Descriptions, Perceptual Computing KR and Diagrams for Relevant World Models, A Visual ComputingLogic,Heterogeneous Computing, KR, KB, and Visual Model Discovery, Prediction and Model Discovery, the TAIM Intelligent Database, TAIM and Discovery from Warehoused Data, KR and Data Warehousing with Keyed Functions Competitive Models and Multiplayer Games, The Stock Traders Interface Model, The Visual DB Asset Management Model, Multimedia Middleware Databases UI Wrappers, Indexing audio and video content Competitive Models and Games, Intelligent AND/OR Trees and Search, The Agent Management Process Models, Decision Trees, A Spatial Muliagent Navigator, Visual Business Objects, Multimedia Middleware DB and Wrappers Interfaces, Content Management System with TAIM, Tiers and RMI Basics, ERP, Multiplayer Game Trees and ERP, Intelligent AND/OR Trees and Splitting Agents, Business Intelligence KM, and Content Retrieval, Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing, Indexing Multimedia Content, Information Retrieval, Specifying Multiagent Systems, The Formal Basis, Abstract Implementation By Computing Agents, Agent Ontology, Multimedia Computing and WAP, Agent Language Processing and Models, Authentication and the WWW, Mobile Agents and J2ME, Mobile Agents and WWW, Cyberspace Safety, Cyberdocking via Mobile Interfaces, Mobile Agents and WWW, Virtual Generic VPN and WAP, KR, KB, and Visual WWW Interfaces, Content Management and WAVPN.
The monograph can be used as a university book for a course on intelligent multimedia sciences and all professional career paths within it. This book is a valuable source for the computer professionals, the business intelligence, data mining, wireless computing, IT career persons, students and faculty members working in the fields of artificial intelligence, mutlimedia computing, computer science and engineering, and the popular science enthusiasts.

 Engineering Usability
Fundamentals, Applications, Human Factors, and Human Error

Written by
B. S. Dhillon
University of Ottawa, Canada
March 2004
ca. 200 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 1-58883-084-5

Engineering Usability offers the most up-to-date information on the fundamentals, applications, human factors and human error associated with usability and closely related areas. Today, billions of dollars are being spent annually to produce new products using modern technologies. The usability of these products has become important than ever before because of their increasing complexity, sophistication, and non-specialist users. Needless to say, the usability of products has become important in all sectors of economy. For example, over 30% of all software development projects are cancelled before their completion primarily due to inadequate user design input which resulting into a loss of over $100 billion annually to the U.S. economy alone. Some studies indicate that 80% of product maintenance is due to the unforeseen user requirements. This book is written to satisfy that vital need.

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Human Factors Basics for Engineering Usability
Chapter 3: Human Error and Reliability Basics
Chapter 4: Usability Engineering Life Cycle Stages and Important Associated Areas
Chapter 5: Usability Evaluation Methods
Chapter 6: Usability Testing
Chapter 7: User Errors
Chapter 8: Usability Costing
Chapter 9: Mathematical Models for Usability Assurance
Chapter 10: Software Usability
Chapter 11: Web Usability
Chapter 12: Medical Device Usability
Appendix: Bibliography: Literature on Usability Engineering

  • An excellent reference source on Engineering Usability
  • Requires no previous knowledge to understand its contents
  • Provides basics of human factors, human error, and human reliability
  • Provides latest knowledge on usability and related areas
  • Covers the most up-to-date material
  • Provides a comprehensive list of references
  • Cites references at appropriate places as required
  • Contains problems at the end of each chapter
Human Factors and Usability Specialists, Design Engineers, Ergonomics Specialist, Computer Interface-Specialists, Students, Usability Researchers. Computer System Engineers, Product Users, Computer Scientists, Engineering Administrators, Engineers-at-large. 

Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

      10-Volume Set
Edited by
Hari Singh Nalwa
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Foreword by Richard E. Smalley, Nobel Prize Laureate
2004 ca. 10,000 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 1-58883-001-2

The Awards Committee of the Engineering Libraries Division of the American Society for Engineering Education is proud to announce the following: "The 2005 Best Reference Work Award goes to Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, edited by Hari Singh Nalwa and published by American Scientific Publishers, 2004. This encyclopedia brings together international research in these groundbreaking areas…The Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology proves to be a definitive tool that links both the novice and expert researcher to understandable articles and matches the caliber of past recipients of ELD's Best Reference Work Award.”
John C. Teleha, Chair, Engineering Libraries Division Awards Committee,
American Society for Engineering Education, USA

Reference Librarian, F. D. Bluford Library, North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University, USA
"Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (10-Volume set) edited by Hari Singh Nalwa has been selected as the CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title.”
Irving E. Rockwood, Editor & Publisher, CHOICE, American Library Association, USA

"American Scientific Publisher’s Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology is an excellent scientific encyclopedia. It provides an excellent breath and depth of information that is particularly suited to benefit a broad spectrum of non-professional and professional researchers.......it is an excellent set that should provide sound information for several years to come."
Alice Trussell, Director, Kansas State University Fiedler Engineering Library, USA
E-STREAMS Vol. 7, September 2004
"The Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology is the world's first single most comprehensive reference source ever published in the field of nanotechnology. This encyclopedia is an indispensable source for any research professional as well as for technology investors and developers seeking up-to-date information on the nanotechnology among a wide range of disciplines from science to engineering to medicine. It should inspire future generations of academic and industrial researchers who endeavor to develop new nanoscale materials and devices."
Professor Richard E. Smalley, Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry
"In view of the great interest that Nanoscience and Nanotechnology are attracting, the rapid development they are experiencing and of the profound impact they will have, an Encyclopedia covering this field is most welcome. It should become a source of inspiration as well as of information for a very wide range of scientists."
Professor Jean-Marie Lehn, Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry

Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology® is the World's first encyclopedia ever published in the field of nanotechnology. The 10-volume Encyclopedia is an unprecedented single reference source that provides ideal introduction and overview of most recent advances and emerging new aspects of nanotechnology spanning from science to engineering to medicine. Although there are many books/handbook and journals focused on nanotechnology, no encyclopedic reference work has been published covering all aspects of nanoscale science and technology dealing with materials synthesis, processing, fabrication, probes, spectroscopy, physical properties, electronics, optics, mechanics, biotechnology, devices, etc. The Encyclopedia fills this gap to provide basic information on all fundamental and applied aspects of nanotechnology by drawing on two decades of pioneering research. It is the only scientific work of its kind since the beginning of the field of nanotechnology bringing together core knowledge and the very latest advances. It is written for all levels audience that allows non-scientists to understand the nanotechnology while providing up-to-date latest information to active scientists to experts in the field. This outstanding encyclopedia is an indispensable source for research professionals, technology investors and developers seeking the most up-to-date information on the nanotechnology among a wide range of disciplines from science to engineering to medicine.

  • World's first and only encyclopedia ever published in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology
  • Comprehensive coverage of all aspects of the nanoscale science and technology in all disciplines
  • Most up-to-date reference work drawing on the past two decades of pioneering research
  • Over 419 +review chapters (ca. 10,000 pages) contributed by over 900 of the world's leading scientists
  • All entries organized alphabetically in an A-Z order, browsing capabilties within different categories
  • State-of-the-art review chapters of between 10 to 100 encyclopedia pages in length
  • Edited and written by internationally known authoritative experts familiar with current technologies
  • Truly international: authors from 35 countries
  • Approximately 80,000 bibliographic citations providing extensive cross-referencing in each article
  • About 7,500 figures, 800 tables and hundreds of chemical structures and equations
  • Published in both print and online formats.
  • Timely, authoritative and most comprehensive
  • A distinguished International Advisory Board of scientific experts
  • Extensive cross-referencing in each article provides reader with broader range of knowledge
  • Available Online Edition allowing multiple users and fully searchable text
  • Essential source for students, scientists, college and university professors, professionals, investors
  • Multidisciplinary reference source for researchers spanning from science to engineering to medicine
The Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology will cover the following areas. Over 400 review chapters and hundreds of entries written by over 1,000 of the world's leading scientists.
  • Nanostructured Materials including semiconductors, metals, conductors, superconductors
  • Nanofabrication and Processing of Nanoscale Materials and Devices, CVD, Epitaxy
  • Nanoprobes, Spectroscopic Characterization, STM, AFM, TEM, etc.
  • Properties of Atomic, Molecular and Nanoscale Materials, Interactions at Nanoscale
  • Nanocomposites, Nanoparticles, Nanocrystalline Materials, Nanoclusters and Nanocrystals
  • Superlattices, Quantum Dots, Molecualar and Nanowires, Nanoscale Thin Films, Nanoporous systems
  • Hybrid materials, Colloids, Alloys, Nanoceramics, Self-Assembled Monolayers and Multilayers
  • Nanoelectronics, Nano-optics, Nanophysics, Nano-integration, Quantum Optics, Nanomagnetism
  • Fullerenes, Nanotubes, Nanorods, Molecular Wires, Molecular Nanotechnology
  • Supramolecules, Dendrimers, Self-Assemblies, Low-dimension Structures, polymers
  • Structure Analysis at Atomic, Molecular and Nanometer range
  • Atomic Manipulation, Computational Nanotechnology, Molecular Nanoscience
  • Nanorobotics, Nanomechanics, Nanotribology, Nanofluidics
  • Applications in LEDs, Displays, Solar Cells, Batteries, Lithography, Catalysis, Memories, Coatings
  • Nanobiotechnology, Nanobiology, Nanomedicines, Drug Delivery, Biomedical Applications
Students, scientists, college and university professors, research professionals, technology investors and developers, research enterprises, R&D and defense research laboratories, academic and research libraries. The encyclopedia is intended for a very broad audience working in the fields of nanotechnology and nanoscience having strong connections with materials science, electrical and electronic engineering, solid-state physics, surface science, aerosol technology, chemistry, colloid science, ceramic and chemical engineering, polymer science and engineering, sol-gel science, supramolecular science, mechanical engineering, metallurgy and powder technology, optical science and engineering, device engineering, aerospace engineering, computer technology, information technology, environmental engineering, bionformatics, biology, pharmacy, biotechnology, food science, etc., etc. This encyclopedia is an invaluable reference source for the libraries in universities and industrial institutions, government and independent institutes, individual research groups and scientists working in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology.

         10-Volume Set

Edited by
Craig A. Grimes, Elizabeth C. Dickey, and Michael V. Pishko
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA
FOREWORD by Professor Rudolph A. Marcus, Nobel Prize Laureate
2005 ca. 8,000 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 1-58883-056-X

"The applications of sensors range from medical diagnostics to industrial manufacturing and to defense and national security applications. When an area spans such a large diversity of research, and where research from many different countries is also involved, a review of these developments becomes especially useful. Because it bridges science and technology the field also provides a desired interaction between researchers and research in technologically advanced and developing countries. The present series of volumes, "The Encyclopedia of Sensors" , the first of its kind, is intended to provide a timely compendium of the entire field. As such it can be expected to play a significant role in worldwide future progress and understanding."
Professor Rudolph A. Marcus, Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry

Encyclopedia of Sensors is the first encyclopedia ever published in the field of sensors. The multivolume encyclopedia will provide a complete coverage of most recent advances and emerging new sensor technologies in the fields of science, engineering and medicine. Although there are many books focused on sensors however no encyclopedic reference work has been published as of today. This encyclopedia will cover all aspects of sensor science and technology dealing with all types of sensor materials, their synthesis and spectroscopic characterization, sensor designs, fabrication and manufacturing techniques, sensor probes, features, physical, chemical and biosensors, their applications in electronics, photonic and optoelectronic industries, medicine, surface sensing, food industry, environmental engineering and nanotechnology. It is written for a wide range of audience from non-scientists to active scientists and engineers, professionals and experts working in the field of sensors.

  • World's first and only encyclopedia ever published in the field of SENSORS
  • Comprehensive coverage of all aspects of the sensor science and technology
  • Most up-to-date reference work drawing on the past three decades of pioneering research
  • Over 400 review chapters contributed by the world's leading scientists, engineers
    and medical experts
  • State-of-the-art review chapters of approximately 30 to 350 manuscript pages in length
  • Edited and written by internationally known experts familiar with current sensor technologies
  • Truly international, authors from 46 countries
  • Timely, authoritative and most comprehensive
  • Published in both print and online formats. Online edition will be updated
  • Extensive cross-referencing in each article provides reader with broader range of knowledge
  • Multidisciplinary reference source for all researchers working in science, engineering and medicine
  • Available Online Edition allowing multiple users and fully searchable text
Innovative sensing concepts, Cell and tissue-based sensors, Chemical, biological and physical sensors, Sensor networks and systems, Sensor system integration, Advanced sensing materials, Sensor architectures, Self-cleaning sensors, One-shot disposable sensors, Biotoxin sensors, Data fusion of sensor arrays, Sensor fabrication, packaging, testing and reliability, Sensor instrumentation, Electronic interfaces and data processing, Sensor signal processing electronics, Sensor applications and uses, Optical, acoustic, mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic, electrochemical and radiation sensors, Environmental sensors, Fiber optic sensors, Sonar sensors, Flow sensors, Analytical µ-systems, lab-on-a-chip, Sensor neural networks, Sensor telemetry, Measurement compensation and calibration, Electronic-nose sensors, Nanosensors, Computational and theoretical aspects of sensors, Fabrication techniques, Characterization, Spectroscopy, and much more …
Scientists, engineers, and medical experts working in the fields of sensor science and technology, electrical and electronic engineering, ceramic and chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, optical science and engineering, surface science, computer science, information technology, chemistry, physics, materials science, biological sciences, biomedical engineering, biotechnology, bioinformatics, food science, environmental engineering and nanotechnology.

Sheikh A. Akbar, Ohio State University, USA
Jun-ichi Anzai,
Tohoku University, JAPAN
Shimshon Belkin,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, ISREAL
Frank Bier,
Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering, GERMANY
Anja Boisen,
Technical University of Denmark, DENMARK
Tejal Desai,
Department of Bioengineering, Boston University, USA
Greg A Gerhardt,
University of Kentucky, USA
Nobuhito Imanaka,
Osaka University, JAPAN
Brian MacCraith,
Dublin City University, IRELAND
Santiago Marco,
University of Barcelona, SPAIN
Boris Mizaikoff,
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Keat Ghee Ong,
Sentechbiomed Corporation, USA
M. Paranjape,
Georgetown University, USA
Michael Pishko,
The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Aleksandr Simonian,
Auburn University, USA
Anita Lloyd Spetz,
Linköping University, SWEDEN
Raluca-Ioana Stefan,
University of Pretoria, SOUTH AFRICA
Enrico Traversa,
University of Rome Tor Vergata, ITALY
Oomman K. Varghese,
The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Venugopal V. Veeravalli,
University of Illinois, USA
Gordon Wallace,
University of Wollongong, AUSTRALIA
Shan Wang,
Stanford University, USA
Wojtek Wlodarski,
Dr. Craig A. Grimes is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, and Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA. He is the Editor-in-Chief for the journal SENSOR LETTERS. Dr. Grimes received his Ph.D. (1990) degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Grimes' research interests cover a span of topics, including sensors, nano-dimensional materials, electromagnetism, and wave propagation in material media. Dr. Grimes has published over 120 scientific research articles in archival scientific journals, and is co-author of The Electromagnetic Origin of Quantum Theory and Light (2002).
Dr. Elizabeth C. Dickey is an Associate Professor in the Materials Science and Engineering Department at the Pennsylvania State University. She received her Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from Northwestern University in 1997. Professor Dickey's research interests are in the area of interface materials science, nanostructured materials and sensing materials. She has published over 40 archival journal articles and is an Editorial Board member of the Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.

Handbook of Semiconductor Nanostructures and Nanodevices

     5-Volume Set

Edited by
A. A. Balandin, University of California at Riverside, USA
K. L. Wang, University of California at Los Angeles, USA
October 2005
ca.2,500 pages, Hardcover

Handbook of Semiconductor Nanostructures and Nanodevices is the World's first multivolume handbook covering a wide variety of advanced and emerging developments in the field of semiconductor nanotechnology. Semiconductor materials are the key elements of continued scientific and technological developments made in the fields of electronics, optoelectronics, photonics, and magnetic devices. The five-volume set is an unprecedented encyclopedic reference that covers growth and processing of semiconductor nanostructured materials by MBE, CVD, PVD, electrochemical, and other techniques, all types of III-V, IV, and II-VI semiconductor nanomaterials, nanofabrication by bottom-up and top-down approaches, precise control and uniformity of semiconductor self-assembled nanostructures, quantum dots, and quantum wells, nanowires, nanoclusters, nanocrystals, and nanoparticles, heterojunctions and interface properties, physical, and chemical properties, nanoscale spectroscopic characterization techniques, and applications of semiconductor devices in nanoelectronics, nano-optoelectronics, nanometrology, nanocircuits, nano-imprint lithography, heterojunction devices, laser diodes, LEDs, solar cells, terahertz devices, thermoelectric devices, NEMS/MEMS, optical switches, infrared detectors,, computers, wireless communications, magnetic random access memory (MRAM) and ferroelectric random access memory (FeRAM), spintronic and data storage devices, single-electron transistors, quantum computing devices, .etc. Both experimental and theoretical aspects of semiconductor nanoscience and nanotechnology are covered. It is a must-have handbook for university libraries, research establishments, government laboratories, and high-tech companies engaged in research and development of semiconductors. It is written for a broad range of audience with different backgrounds and educational level, compiling past two decades of pioneering research. It provides in-depth information to research professionals active in the field of semiconductor nanoscale science and technologies. This handbook can be effectively used by upper-level undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, scientists, engineers working in industry, consultants, technology investors and developers seeking the most up-to-date information on semiconductor nanotechnology. This handbook has been divided into five different thematic volumes based on semiconductor nanostructured materials and their based nanodevices.
          Volume 1: Self-Assemblies, Qauntum Dots, and Nanowires
          Volume 2: Nanofabrication and Nanoscale Characterization
          Volume 3: Spintronics and Nanoelectronics
          Volume 4: Nanophotonics and Optoelectronics
          Volume 5: Nanodevices and Circuits

  • World's first handbook ever published on semiconductor nanostructures and nanodevices
  • Most up-to-date reference work summarizing two decades of pioneering research
  • About 70 in-depth review chapters contributed by more than 200 of the world's leading experts.
  • Edited and written by internationally known authoritative experts in the field
  • Truly international: authors from more than 20 countries
  • Over 6,000 bibliographic citations providing extensive cross-referencing in each article
  • Thousands of illustrations, figures, tables, and equations.
  • High quality figures and tables summarizing materials parameters and device performance
  • Timely, authoritative and most comprehensive
  • A cross-disciplinary reference spanning from materials science to electronic engineering.
A perfect multidisciplinary reference source for scientists, engineers, researchers, upper-level undergraduate and graduate students, college and university professors, and research professionals both in academia and industry working in the fields of nanotechnology, semiconductor technology, electrical and electronic engineering, solid-state physics, materials science, surface science, magnetic materials, optical engineering, optoelectronics, device applications, telecommunications, data storage, and information technology, This handbook is also an invaluable reference source for the libraries in universities and industrial institutions, government laboratories and independent research institutes, individual research groups and scientists working in the fields of nanotechnology, semiconductor nanotechnology and nanodevices.


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